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Image by Clément Hélardot

Technical Skills

It has been several years since I completely migrated to the Linux ecosystem for my computational needs. I am confident in using the BASH command-line and prefer to use open-source software over their proprietary counterparts.

I currently use the Manjaro Linux operating system (KDE flavour).

Technical Skills: Text
Typing on Computer


Selected codes in Scientific Computation

Technical Skills: Text

Principal Component Analysis on a Torus

Project task to analyse the backbone angles of the alanine dipeptide through different principal component analysis methods, including standard PCA, dihedral PCA (dPCA), and PCA on a torus (dPCA+), to address issues of periodicity in the data and optimize the dimensionality reduction process.

Link to Project Report:

Ephemeris Pipeline

Ephemeris pipeline code created during the Krittika IIT Bombay Astronomy project.

Random Walk

Code to solve the one-dimensional Random Walk problem, written during the Refresher Course in Statistical Physics 2019.

Number of microstates

Code to visualize the 'number of microstates' Σ and Ω (Refer Statistical Mechanics by Pathria, Beale ; Page 11-12). Done during the eleventh semester Statistical Physics course at RIE Mysore.

Technical Skills: List


Selected Examples

  1. The M.Sc.Ed.Physics twelfth semester laboratory record :
    [Document] | [LaTeX Code]

  2. Quantum Mechanics-1 assignment, done during the tenth semester of my M.Sc.Ed. Physics course
    [Document] [LaTeX Code]

  3. Beamer slides to accompany the video presentation on "Retarded Potentials due to an Oscillating Magnetic Dipole" :
    [Document] [LaTeX Code] [Presentation Video]

Technical Skills: Text

Other Skills

Data Analysis

GNUplot (see gallery above), GNU-Octave


LAMMPS (Molecular Dynamics)

Design & Media Creation

Inkscape (see examples below),
GIMP, Kdenlive

Collaboration & Team Management

Slack, Discord, Teams

Technical Skills: List
Technical Skills: Selected Work
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